Hold the Tory ‘Leavers’ to account for their promises —The result of the European Union referendum was devastating for...
Chuka Umunna MP Articles
We need radical reform to revive our democracy
While we do not yet know the exact date of the referendum on our membership of the European Union, it is clear that...
Labour’s Future Jobs of Britain tour: the story so far
As shadow secretary of state for business I have had the opportunity to visit workplaces across the country with many...
Why Labour needs a 2030 vision
To win in 2015, we have to widen our horizons —Imagine if politics worked on the same investment horizons as...
Pushing power down
Putting regions, cities and businesses in the driving seat In the years before the 2010 election the Conservatives...
Rock steady
More than three years have now passed since Northern Rock was taken into state ownership, becoming the first British...