Tal Ofer Articles

The wrong stance on Gaza

On 17 June this year Ed Miliband was the keynote speaker at the Labour Friends of Israel annual lunch. He delivered a rousing speech, drawing on his recent visit to Israel. But he also spoke about the security challenges that Israel face and he mentioned his visit to...

Less than a week to go

Being a candidate in the upcoming local elections in Redbridge in east London is a thrilling experience. Labour has never won the council before and there is a chance to do so on 22 May this year. We believe that winning in our ward will prepare the ground for our...

Antisemitism still alive in Europe

I was appalled like many others when I heard about the disgraceful comments made by Baroness Tonge during an event in Middlesex University last week, which was part of the ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’ which was held in different campuses. In addition to that the police...

PMQs on Progress

Ed Miliband was equipped this week with a generous selection of different issues to attack the government on, from tuition fees to the NHS and policing cuts.