Check against delivery Introduction A couple of weeks ago MPs were sent a Climate Change Toolkit which listed policies...
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Section: Article Articles
What this government doesn’t get
The Tories misunderstand what responsibility between government and citizen means [911]Amidst reports of their new...
Remembering David Cairns
Here are some of the articles David has written for Progress in the recent past: Rhetoric and reality Leadership...
Why are women being hit hardest by pensions reforms?
The debate could not come at a more important time. Today the government is publishing proposals for a...
Why Ed should support party funding reform
The debate over the nature of the Party's relationship with the Trade Unions has been on simmer for a while. The...
What does the economic rise of China and India mean for Britain?
The resurgence of "Chindia" is the big economic story of our time. In 1820 China and India together accounted for...
The black widow coalition
Vince Cable's decision to raise university tuition fees and the Liberal Democrat decision to turn its back on its...
Changes to public sector pensions could backfire
Public sector pensions have received a lot of attention over recent years, with labels like ‘featherbedded' and...
Red Wedge: taking the coalition down progressively
Labour needs first to recognise how badly we lost, and by that I don't just mean the election result on May 6: under...
Organising to win
In May 2010 Labour held seats that were expected to fall to the Conservatives. Eight of the 90 Tory target seats...
Victory in Hammersmith
So why and how did Andy Slaughter defy the national swing to the Conservatives? I would highlight three factors: a...
An unprogressive coalition
If the most frustrating thing you hear on the doorstep is ‘they're all the same', a close second is...